The safe, secure, local garage you need

Rent a garage near you easily and quickly. From one simple search to access to your garage, in as little as 24 hours.

All garages refurbished and centrally maintained. With a dedicated response team ready to fix problems as they happen.

Community-owned garages. Refurbished, managed and maintained.

All the garages you can rent from Secure Parking and Storage are owned by local authorities and housing associations.

But they’re managed by us.

So you get a dedicated, specialist service, With a repairs team on hand, and anti-social behaviour dealt with fast.

And your local housing associations get to focus on what they do best: providing homes and supporting your community.

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Who’s behind Secure Parking and Storage?

Meet our small core team of 3. All experts in property management and construction.

Matt Vosper

Matt Vosper

Operations director
Matt makes sure everything runs smoothly. He worked in social housing and business before joining us, successfully managing many development projects.
Andrew Milne

Andrew Milne

Andrew is our property and maintenance expert. He had a long career in construction, including founding a property maintenance company for social landlords.
Tim Woodcock

Tim Woodcock

Tim’s our business and finance expert. He had a long career in accountancy and investment, and has held multiple board level positions.

We have to solve 2 important problems